Advanced Textile Technology ›› 2022, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (1): 1-8.DOI: 10.19398/j.att.202011009

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Visual analysis of research on medical protective clothing based on CiteSpace

LIU Xingchen, XIE Hong()   

  1. School of Textiles and Clothing, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai 201620, China
  • Received:2020-11-07 Online:2021-07-08 Published:2021-07-08
  • Contact: XIE Hong


刘星辰, 谢红()   

  1. 上海工程技术大学纺织服装学院,上海 201620
  • 通讯作者: 谢红
  • 作者简介:刘星辰(1996-),男,福建龙岩人,硕士研究生,主要从事功能性服装方面的研究。
  • 基金资助:


In order to understand the research progress of medical protective clothing, the spatio-temporal relationship, cooperative relationship, co-occurrence relationship and co-citation relationship of medical protective clothing were studied. By using bibliometrics and knowledge graph method as the research methods, and CiteSpace as the analysis tool, this paper conducted a visual analysis on 380 literatures published on the Web of Science from January 1, 2006 to October 30, 2020. It is found that the development of medical protective clothing on the timeline shows a spiral upward trend, presents local concentration in the spatial dimension, and loose cooperation in the dimension of cooperative relationship. Research on medical protective clothing is mainly carried out by colleges and universities. At present, no core academic society has been formed. In the dimension of co-occurrence relationship, it is found that studies are focused on medicine and materials science. The co-citation relationship reveals scholars and top journals with high influence in medical protective clothing. In terms of research hotspots, topics of risk, exposure and performance, etc. are research hotspots of high frequency, and the research topics will change constantly over time. Through analysis, it is predicted that topics that are likely to become research hotspots in the future are personal protective equipment, Covid-19, surface and physical activity.

Key words: medical protective clothing, CiteSpace, visual analysis, cooperative relationship, co-citation


为了解医用防护服研究进展,对医用防护服的时空关系、合作关系、共现关系和共被引进行了研究。以文献计量和知识图谱法为研究方法,CiteSpace为分析工具,对2006年1月1日—2020年10月30日在 Web of Science 上发表的380条文献进行可视化分析。研究发现:在时间线上有关医用防护服的发展呈现螺旋上升的趋势,在空间维度上以局部集中的态势分布,在合作关系维度显示出合作不紧密。医用防护服研究的重要力量主要集中于高校,当前还尚未形成核心学术团体;在共现关系维度发现研究集中于医学、材料学;共被引关系揭示了和医用防护服高影响力的学者和与高水平期刊,在研究热点方面以Risk、Exposure、Performance等主题为高频研究热点,研究主题随着时间不断变化。通过分析可以预测未来可能成为研究热点的主题有Personal pertective equitment、Covid-19、Surface和Physical activity。

关键词: 医用防护服, CiteSpace, 可视化分析, 合作关系, 共被引

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