
  •   Welcome to subscribe to Advanced Textile Technology
      As a textile technology journal co-sponsored by Zhejiang Sci-tech University and Zhejiang Textile Engineering Society, Advanced Textile Technology is included in “The Key Magazine of China Technology”, “A Guide to the Core Journals of China” and “Science Citation Database” and is issued both at home and abroad.
      Advanced Textile Technology aims to “be a good instructor for updating knowledge and upgrading industry”. 
      Advanced Textile Technology covers management, scientific research and technical personnel engaged in all levels of the textile industry. In terms of running features, it is different from “traditional textile” and highlights the “advanced” connotation of textile. As for the contents, it mainly introduces theoretical research, application development, production technology and management achievements or experience, focusing on the direction of high-tech application, product adjustment and industrial upgrading of the textile industry. 
      Advanced Textile Technology is published monthly (large print 16pt) on the 10th of each month. The subscription price is ¥20.00 per issue, and ¥240.00 for a year. 
    Subscription method:
      1. Domestic readers can subscribe to the editorial department(postal code 32-118).
      2. Other readers can send us an email and provide your information. A Advanced Textile Technology representative will contact you about subscribing. 
      Welcome to contribute! Welcome to subscribe! Advertising is welcome!
      Add: Editorial Department of Advanced Textile Technology, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, No. 928, No.2 Street, Xiasha High Education Zone, Hangzhou (310018)
      Tel: 0571-86843152

  • 2023-12-26 Visited: 2062