Advanced Textile Technology ›› 2023, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (1): 13-27.DOI: 10.19398/j.att.202208029
• Invited Column: Wearable and Intelligent Textiles • Previous Articles Next Articles
ZHANG Huirong1, XIA Zhaopeng1, CHEN Hao2, PAN Jiajun1, WANG Tao1, LIU Xiaochen1
张惠蓉1, 夏兆鹏1, 陈浩2, 潘佳俊1, 王涛1, 刘晓辰1
CLC Number:
ZHANG Huirong, XIA Zhaopeng, CHEN Hao, PAN Jiajun, WANG Tao, LIU Xiaochen. Preparation and reliability of wearable electric heating elements[J]. Advanced Textile Technology, 2023, 31(1): 13-27.
张惠蓉, 夏兆鹏, 陈浩, 潘佳俊, 王涛, 刘晓辰. 可穿戴电加热元件的制备及可靠性[J]. 现代纺织技术, 2023, 31(1): 13-27.
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