现代纺织技术 ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (4): 104-113.

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  1. 东华大学,a.服装与艺术设计学院;b.现代服装设计与技术教育部重点实验室,上海 200051
  • 出版日期:2024-04-10 网络出版日期:2024-04-12

The impact of virtual apparel on physical apparel consumption from a sustainable perspective

  1. a. College of Fashion and Design; b. Key Laboratory of Clothing Design and Technology, Ministry of Education, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China
  • Published:2024-04-10 Online:2024-04-12

摘要: 在时尚产业数字化和低碳化的趋势下,探究虚拟服装对实体服装消费赋能具有商业革新价值。基于技术接受模型,以虚拟服装美学性和技术性为外部变量构建理论模型,探索虚拟服装属性对实体服装消费的影响及作用机理。通过289份有效问卷,采用回归分析进行实证,结果表明:虚拟服装美学性和技术性正向影响实体服装态度,感知有用性和品牌态度在其中起链式中介作用,外观一致性在其中起调节中介作用。研究结论肯定了虚拟服装的商业价值溢出,解析了虚拟服装赋能实体服装消费的机理,为时尚企业数字化设计与减少浪费的可持续生产提供了思路。

关键词: 虚拟服装, 实体服装, 可持续, 技术接受模型, 美学性, 技术性, 品牌态度

Abstract: The post-epidemic era has witnessed a rapid shift in consumption patterns towards online channels. The convergence of information technology and the fashion industry has given rise to the virtual apparel. Virtual apparel, which is rooted in a digital creation mode, possesses various advantages such as creativity, inclusivity, and sustainability. Consequently, it has garnered significant attention from capital investors, and numerous traditional apparel brands to launch virtual apparel lines. The investment potential and sustainable value of virtual apparel are highly anticipated. Nowadays, virtual apparel has diversified its forms, extending beyond the realm of traditional virtual try-on experiences. Photo modeling and other forms of social media dissemination have attracted widespread public attention and generated intense discussions. These developments offer new opportunities for brand promotion and the expansion of consumer groups. However, it should be noted that the virtual trading market is still in its nascent stages, and brands' profitability continues to rely on the sale of physical products. As a result, many brands are currently focusing on leveraging virtual apparel for publicity and promotional purposes. Nevertheless, this marketing strategy is still in its early exploratory phase, and it remains uncertain whether virtual apparel can effectively drive brand promotion and physical product sales. Additionally, while existing literature has analyzed the value system of virtual apparel and acknowledged its role in brand promotion and sustainable value, most of these discussions are theoretical in nature and lack empirical research to substantiate their claims.
We aimed to explore the commercial value of virtual apparel in physical apparel consumption and facilitate the sustainable development of the industry. Firstly, we conducted a comprehensive review of the research progress on virtual apparel both domestically and internationally since the 20th century to identify the current hotspots and deficiencies in related research. Secondly, based on product attributes and technology acceptance model, we used physical apparel attitude as a predictor variable of physical apparel purchase intention, introduced the two variables of aesthetic and technology attributes of virtual apparel, and discussed the influence factors of the attributes of virtual clothing on the attitude of physical clothing. Additionally, we verified the chain mediating role of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and brand attitude. Finally, we conducted a questionnaire survey to collect relevant data based on the model assumptions, analyzed their reliability and validity, and employed regression analysis to verify the assumptions and provide theoretical support for brand to design and applicate the virtual apparel. This research not only expands the scope of applied research of the technology acceptance model but also enriches the research perspective of virtual apparel. Additionally, it provides empirical evidence for the sustainable value of virtual apparel and fills the gap in empirical research regarding the exploration of the commercial value of virtual apparel. The study results indicate that virtual aesthetics and technology have a significantly positive effect on physical apparel attitudes. This effect is mediated by perceived usefulness and brand attitudes, with appearance consistency playing a positively moderating role in the relationship between brand attitudes and physical apparel attitudes. This study affirms the marketing value of virtual apparel in facilitating brand promotion and promoting physical consumption. According to the results, when designing virtual garments, brands should fully leverage their digital creation advantages to enhance consumers' perception of the usefulness of virtual garments in terms of both aesthetics and technology. Moreover, brands should pay greater attention to the technological content of virtual apparel rather than the aesthetic effect, so as to give it more digital vitality and highlight its digital technology characteristics. Meanwhile, traditional fashion brands should focus on the simulation of virtual apparel to enhance the realism of its appearance. This method can drive profitable growth in physical garment sales and reduce the consumption of physical materials in traditional brand promotions. 

Key words: virtual apparel, physical apparel, sustainable, technology acceptance model, aesthetic, technological, brand attitude
