Advanced Textile Technology ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (6): 129-141.

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Application of finite element analysis technology in the field of fabric mechanical properties


  1. a. School of Fashion Design & Engineering; b. Zhejiang Provincial Engineering Laboratory of Fashion Digital Technology, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou 310018, China
  • Online:2024-06-10 Published:2024-06-17



  1. 浙江理工大学,a.服装学院;b.服装数字化技术浙江省工程实验室,杭州 310018

Abstract: The mechanical properties of fabrics have always been an important research content in the field of textiles and clothing, but the three-dimensional structure of fabrics is complex, and many factors such as fiber, yarn, organizational structure and composite materials will affect the mechanical properties of fabrics. The traditional mechanical experimental methods are often costly, and it is difficult for researchers to observe the changes at the meso level. With the rapid development of computer and software technology, the finite element analysis technology shows more and more potential, and has become an important means of mechanical property research in the field of textile and clothing. This paper first described the construction methods of fabric finite element models by some scholars at present. The geometric model construction methods are divided into two categories. One is based on the experimental data to generate the model, and the fabric finite element model is constructed by collecting the experimental image information. This method is suitable for fabric local modeling, and can obtain fine and real fabric structure. The other is based on the physical or geometric generation model, that is, using the actual physical weaving process or geometric parameters to construct the three-dimensional structure of the fabric, and this method is easier to construct periodic boundary conditions. The constitutive model of fabric materials is a key step in constructing finite element models. This paper introduces continuous models, discrete models, and semi-discrete models respectively. The continuous models have the fastest calculation speed, but cannot reflect the internal characteristics of the fabric. By contrast, the discrete models can express the state of yarns or fibers, but the computational cost is high. The semi-discrete models combine the advantages and disadvantages of both. At present, most finite element analysis can be done with finite element software. For several commonly used finite element analysis software, this paper introduced their application fields, advantages and disadvantages. In this paper, the current status of finite element research on the mechanical properties of fabrics is roughly divided into four fields: tensility, bullet proofness, tearing and bending. At present, there are more studies in the two fields of tensility and bullet proofness, and the research materials are mainly woven fabrics. Although finite element technology plays an important role in the simulation of fabric mechanical properties, there are also some shortcomings, such as the lack of model accuracy, the difficulty of determining material parameters, and the difficulty of setting boundary conditions, which affect the accuracy of simulation results. In view of these shortcomings, this paper put forward four suggestions for the follow-up development of finite element in the field of fabric mechanics. First, it is necessary to apply multi-scale analysis methods, and research feature changes at a more microscopic level while ensuring computational efficiency. Second, it is necessary to develop a higher precision textile tester to obtain more accurate material parameters.  Third, it is necessary to fit the actual environment and carry out multi physical field coupling simulation. Fourth, it is necessary to combine other numerical methods to solve complex problems. It is believed that the finite element technology will play a more important role in the simulation of fabric mechanical properties in the future.

Key words: finite element, fabric, mechanical property, stretching, bulletproofing, tearing, bending

摘要: 随着计算机和软件技术的快速发展,有限元分析技术展现出越来越大的潜力,已成为纺织服装领域进行力学性能研究的重要手段。为促进有限元分析技术在织物力学性能中的有效应用,更好地解决生产实践中的问题,首先从实验图像和物理几何手段两方面,阐述了目前织物几何模型的构建方法;梳理了织物材料连续模型、离散模型、半离散模型等本构模型的研究进展;其次,归纳了目前常用有限元分析软件的应用领域及优缺点,概括了有限元技术在织物拉伸、撕裂、防弹冲击、弯曲等力学性能领域的应用现状;最后指出当前研究存在模型精度不足、材料参数难确定、边界条件设置困难等不足,后续可以从应用多尺度分析方法、开发高精纺织检测仪、进行多物理场耦合模拟等方面展开研究。研究结果可用于指导生产实践,更好地织物解决织物力学性能的相关问题。

关键词: 有限元, 织物, 力学性能, 拉伸, 防弹, 撕裂, 弯曲

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