Advanced Textile Technology ›› 2016, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (2): 8-11.

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Study on Dyeing Process of Silk Fabrics Modified with HBP-QAC with Red Pigment Secreted by Ginkgo Biloba Endogenous

CHENG Ronghuanga, SHEN Chenkanga, LIN Linga,ZHANG Yingyinga, YU Zhichengb   

  1. a.School of Materials and Textiles, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310018;
    b.Key Laboratory of Advanced Textile Materials and Preparation Technology, Zhejiang University of Technology, Ministry of Education, Hangzhou 310018
  • Received:2015-06-22 Online:2016-02-25 Published:2016-05-26

银杏叶内生菌分泌红色素对 HBP-QAC 改性蚕丝织物染色工艺研究


  1. a.浙江理工大学材料与纺织学院,杭州 310018;
    b.浙江理工大学先进纺织材料与制备技术教育部重点实验室,杭州 310018
  • 通讯作者: 余志成,
  • 作者简介:程荣煌(1994-),男,江西上饶人,本科生,轻化工程专业。

Abstract: This study extracts endophyte from ginkgo leaf for cultivation, separates red pigment secreted by endophyte and uses red pigment for real silk fabrics subject to graft modification with amino-terminated hyperbranched polymer quaternary ammonium salt HBP-QAC for the study on dyeing process. Optimal conditions for dyeing process are obtained through single-factor optimal experiment on dyeing process conditions of real silk fabrics modified with HBP-QAC with red pigment secreted by ginkgo biloba endogenous by using K/S value of dyed fabric and relevant color fastness as assessment indicators: temperature 70℃, pH 3, dosage of anhydrous sodium sulphate 15g/L and time 60min. Fabrics dyed under such optimal conditions have washing fastness at grade 5, rubbing fastness at grade 4~5 and color fastness to sunlight at grade 3. Positive surface charge of real silk fabrics after modification with HBPQAC increases, thus reinforcing the acting force of ionic bond between fabric and dye and improving K/S value and color fastness of dyed silk fabrics.

Key words: red pigment secreted by ginkgo biloba endogenous, modified silk fabrics with HBP-QAC, dyeing, K/S value, color fastness

摘要: 从银杏叶提取内生菌进行培养,分离内生菌所分泌的红色素,将红色素用于经端氨基超支化合物季胺盐HBP-QAC接枝改性的真丝织物进行染色工艺研究。以染色织物的K/S值和相关的色牢度为考核指标,进行银杏叶内生菌分泌的红色素对HBP-QAC改性真丝织物染色工艺条件的单因素优化实验,得到的较佳染色工艺条件为:温度70℃,pH为3,元明粉用量为15g/L,时间为60min。在该较优条件下所染织物的皂洗牢度达到5级,摩擦色牢度达4~5级,耐日晒色牢度3级。HBP-QAC改性后的真丝织物的表面正电荷增加,使得织物与染料之间的离子键作用力增强,故而使其染色真丝织物的K/S值和染色牢度提高。

关键词: 银杏叶内生菌分泌红色素, HBP-QAC改性蚕丝织物, 染色, K/S值, 色牢度

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