现代纺织技术 ›› 2016, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (2): 51-54.

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  1. 泰安康平纳机械有限公司,山东泰安 271000
  • 收稿日期:2015-06-30 出版日期:2016-02-25 网络出版日期:2016-05-26
  • 作者简介:王勇(1985-),男,山东泰安人,工程师,主要从事纺织设备设计方面的研究。

Development of New Decatizing Machine

WANG Yong, GENG Yalin, LUO Jun, ZHU Congli,ZHAO Qingyong, ZHAO Guangming   

  1. Taian Companion Machinery Co., Ltd. Taian 271000, China
  • Received:2015-06-30 Published:2016-02-25 Online:2016-05-26

摘要: 论述了罐蒸工艺技术及装备的研制背景及总体设计思路,通过新工艺技术与我国传统毛纺面料后整理工艺技术的比较,阐述了CMB 201150型罐蒸机的研制、主要特点、主要技术经济指标及主要创新点,论述了智能匹配工艺、适时分步控制、三工位并行功能等新技术。

关键词: 罐蒸机, 智能匹配工艺, 适时分步控制, 三工位并行功能

Abstract: This paper discusses the development background and overall design thought of decatizing process and equipment, describes the development, main features, major technical and economic indicators and main innovation points of CMB 201-150 decatizing machine through the comparison of new technologies and traditional Chinese after-treatment technology of wool cloth and discusses new technologies such as intelligent matching process, timely step control and three-position parallel function.

Key words: decatizing machine, intelligent matching process, timely step control, three-position parallel function.
