Advanced Textile Technology ›› 2023, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (4): 183-191.

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Fabrication and Wearable Application of Fabric-Based Triboelectric Pressure Sensor


  1. College of textile and clothing, QingdaoUniversity, Qingdao 266071, China
  • Received:2022-10-18 Online:2023-07-10 Published:2023-09-12



  1. 青岛大学纺织服装学院,山东青岛266071
  • 通讯作者: 田明伟,
  • 作者简介:房翔敏(1998—),女,山东潍坊人,硕士研究生,主要从事智能可穿戴纺织品方面的研究。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: In recent years, with the continuous development of 5G technology, smart wearable devices have attracted more and more attention. Human body movement can produce a large amount of mechanical energy, in addition to the consumption of life-sustaining activities, another part of the consumption because of the work done to the outside world. Converting human mechanical energy into electrical energy is a solution to the inconvenience caused by external power supply of intelligent wearable equipment. Friction nanogenerators (Teng) can harvest mechanical energy from the environment and convert it into electricity, but the original TENG was not wearable due to limitations in materials and manufacturing processes. The combination of textiles and TENG is an important solution for wearable self-powered electronics, with the advantages of good air permeability, flexibility and ease of integration into smart wearable devices, it has a broad application prospect in the new generation of wearable electronic products.
The textile-based TENG is a new kind of friction nano-generator, which is based on fiber or fabric. It has many advantages, such as good flexibility, good air permeability, wear resistance and comfortable wearing, more conducive to the environment from the human body, the human movement to obtain and collect energy. The current research focuses on the structure design and material selection of Teng, which improves the charge transfer capacity and electrical output capacity of TENG. In order to increase the output of TENG, the effective contact area between friction materials can be increased besides the charge transfer efficiency. Limited by the flexibility and roughness of the friction layer material, TENG's effective friction layer contact area is smaller than the actual contact area, reducing the amount of charge transfer between the two friction layers. Due to the limitations of the materials used in the two-dimensional structure design, there are few studies on increasing the electrical output by increasing the effective contact area of the friction layer. In winter, all kinds of commercial suede fabrics are easy to produce electric spark when they rub with human body and other garments, which proves that the suede fabrics have certain triboelectric properties. And the pile fabric has excellent wear resistance, flexibility, washable, but also has low production cost, continuous production mode, so the winter pile fabric as a substrate, combined with friction nano-generator technology, a new type of flexible friction nano-generator based on textile fabric was constructed, and the main research object was fleece, a self-powered triboelectric pile fabric-based pressure sensor, which can be cleaned, produced continuously and at low cost, and a rocking pile fabric-based TENG are obtained
The fleece-based TENG can collect the voltage signals of different parts of the human body, and can be used as a self-powered triboelectric pressure sensor in many applications, the application potential of textiles in self-powered intelligent wearable devices is demonstrated. The research results can provide some ideas for the structure design and application scenario of textile-based TENG.

Key words: fleece fabric, triboelectric nano-generator, intelligent wearable devices, self-power, sensor

摘要: 传统压力传感器普遍存在可穿戴性差、电源供电不便等瓶颈问题,限制了其在可穿戴领域的应用,因此,研发具有柔性可穿戴和自供电功能的传感器是亟需突破的新策略。受冬季绒面衣物与人体摩擦易产生静电的启发,将摩擦纳米发电技术与柔性纺织材料相结合,提出了一种基于纺织结构的新型摩擦纳米发电机。以不同绒面织物作为摩擦层材料,制备了一种摇粒绒织物基摩擦电式自供电压力传感器(f-TENG),研究绒面结构类型对摩擦电输出性能的影响规律。f-TENG的绒面结构和高比表面积赋予了其良好的可水洗、连续化生产、低成本的特点,以及出色的电输出性能(40 V,5 cm×5 cm),可以点亮50个串联的LED灯泡。f-TENG可被用于多种应用场景中,采集人体运动的能量产生电信号,展示了纺织品在自供电智能可穿戴设备方面的应用潜力。

关键词: 绒面织物, 摩擦纳米发电机, 智能可穿戴设备, 自供电, 传感器

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