Advanced Textile Technology ›› 2016, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (2): 62-64.

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Discussion on Importance of Quantitative Analysis on Washing Method of Wool/Viscose Blended Products

LOU Chenyu   

  1. Zhejiang Fangyuan Test Group Co., Ltd., Hangzhou 310013, China
  • Received:2015-04-24 Online:2016-02-25 Published:2016-05-26



  1. 浙江方圆检测集团股份有限公司,杭州 310013
  • 作者简介:楼陈钰(1980-),男,杭州人,工程师,硕士,主要从事纺织品理化检测与标准方面的研究。

Abstract: Starting with the mechanism of viscose dissolution with alkaline sodium hypochlorite, this paper studies the importance of neutralization step with diluted acetic acid solution in standard GB/T 2910.4—2009 and meanwhile analyzes the influence of different neutralization washing methods on the accuracy of detection result. The result shows that sodium hydroxide in sodium hypochlorite will damage viscose; d value of viscose deviates from the standard when diluted acetic acid solution is not used for neutralization and water is directly used for washing; the neutralization method with synchronous soaking and stirring is more accurate and effective.

Key words: sodium hypochlorite, viscose, neutralization, quantitative analysis, dissolution mechanism, sodium hydroxide

摘要: 文章从碱性次氯酸钠溶解粘胶纤维的机理出发,研究了GB/T 2910.4—2009标准中采用稀乙酸溶液中和步骤的重要性,同时分析了不同中和洗涤方式对检测结果准确性的影响。结果表明:次氯酸钠溶液中氢氧化钠会对粘纤造成损伤,不采用稀乙酸溶液冲洗中和,直接用水清洗,粘纤d值对标准有较大偏离,边浸泡边搅拌的中和方式相对来说最为准确和有效。

关键词: 次氯酸钠, 粘纤, 中和, 定量分析, 溶解机理, 氢氧化钠

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