Advanced Textile Technology ›› 2022, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (6): 211-218.DOI: 10.19398/j.att.202203026
• Comprehensive Review • Previous Articles Next Articles
LIANG Huifang, ZHANG Huifang, CONG Mingfang, CHEN Zetan, SUN Chong
梁慧芳, 张惠芳, 从明芳, 陈泽潭, 孙冲
CLC Number:
LIANG Huifang, ZHANG Huifang, CONG Mingfang, CHEN Zetan, SUN Chong. Research progress of hyperspectral imaging technology in textile testing[J]. Advanced Textile Technology, 2022, 30(6): 211-218.
梁慧芳, 张惠芳, 从明芳, 陈泽潭, 孙冲. 高光谱成像技术在纺织检测领域的研究进展[J]. 现代纺织技术, 2022, 30(6): 211-218.
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